I now went to work on the accessory wiring. There were more circuits on the battery than I like so I reduced it to a single ring terminal on each battery post for all of the accessory wiring. I then tapped off the positive lead prior to the relay for the switched power and ran that back to the powerlet connector on the left-side rear panel. This will be used for connecting a battery tender while it’s in the garage, and to connect an air compressor while on the road.
KTM 950 – the Dale-ization begins
It didn’t take long, and the Dale-ization has begun. I believed the bike to be in good shape mechanically, and after spending some serious wrench time with it I can say with certainty that it has been well maintained.
In its stock configuration, the “S” model is waaay too tall for me, so correcting that was a top priority. I removed the front and rear wheels, and then the forks and rear shock. Off they went to Javier at Trailtricks for a rebuild, revalve, respring, and shorten back to the standard spec height. The suspension changes will net me a 2 inch reduction in seat height. I added a KTM low gel seat, which gains another inch for a total of three. This is enough to make the bike fit me much better.