A Merckx update

I’ve replaced a Campagnolo Veloce 13-26 cassette with a Chorus 12-30, and replaced the short-cage Veloce rear derailleur with  a medium-cage version.  I decided to replace the chain at the same time.  So now the Merckx has 50-34 up front, and 12-30 in the back.

I checked the derailleur hanger alignment, and it was in a little at the bottom.  I’ve adjusted this before, and the bike has not been beaten up or laid down on the RD side.  Not sure why it doesn’t want to hold the alignment.  It might be time to get a replacement hanger, just in cases.  I did order a replacement hanger today, hopefully it’s the right one.

No issues with the swap, and the shifting adjusted easily.  All ready to go now, with climbing-friendly gears.

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